Sometimes family history hits you when you least expect it.
As I was frantically working to finish an essay I have due tomorrow (trying to play catch-up from my weekend in bed with a cold), I took a break and headed to Facebook. I was surprised to see that my cousin began posting pictures of my Mom on my page. Looks like the essay will have to wait.
Not many of my family members are computer literate and there is an even smaller percentage of them who are social media literate. Lucky for me, a cousin of mine recently joined Facebook and has been adding photos like crazy – mostly from his vacations over the years. But tonight – unexpectedly – he began posting photos of my Mom and I and with the exception of one photo, I have never seen these before.

My new favorite photo of Mom. Mom is smiling for the camera as she sits next to her older brother, Don. She looks radiant here and just as tan as I remember she always was – a result of many days at the beach or outside exploring the world.

Here is a photo of Mom and her brother Don sitting on the beach in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico while on a family vacation in 1980. Mom always did look amazing in a bathing suit.

Here is a great photo of Mom cuddling with her Uncle Jack while brother-in-law Guy takes a photo. I love this photo because it shows Mom's loving side. Circa 1977 or 78.

Mom loved camping and we'd often go on camping trips – sometimes with the entire family and sometimes just the two of us. Here is a photo from around 1993 or 1994 of (left to right) Me, Uncle Don, and my cousin Christine.

I can't tell you how many memories I have at the beach as a kid – Mom always called me a "water baby". After we moved to Seattle around 1997, I would fly down to California to spend a few weeks of summer with my family. Mom was always willing to hand me over to relatives so I could experience as many adventures as possible – even though she had to work. This is a photo from around 1998 while at the beach with my Uncle Don.
Sometimes family history hits you when you least expect it.