I am officially on Spring Break, which means it is GENEALOGY TIME! I’ve been craving some good old fashioned genealogy time for a while now, so this break from my school schedule is a very welcomed break.
My focus for the rest of today will be on my Keppler line. Here is how my Kepplers come into my family tree:
Like the above family tree? Well it is a new widget released by WikiTree, a free family tree building website with unique privacy controls. The widgets were just released this week and allow for a family tree or pedigree chart to be embedded into a blog post or webpage. These widgets make it so easy to visually display your family tree – and I can’t wait to start using this for my Surname Saturday posts.
Note: I am biased about this because I work for WikiTree as a WikiTree Evangelist – which means that I manage WikiTree’s social media presence, try to get others to write about WikiTree, answer questions, and overall, share my love of WikiTree with others. WikiTree is truly unique because of the privacy controls and collaborative environment.
What genealogy activities do you have planned for the week?
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