
Lately, I’ve been bored with the look of my blog. After my recent inspiration from the Jamboree, I’ve been wanting to rejuvenate my research as well as my blog. So I set out on the internet in hopes of finding a new layout.

I’ve been experimenting with different layouts, so this blog might be in a bit of chaos over the next week or so. The content will always remain here but the layout might change and might look weird as I try to change the look.

There are a TON of free blogger layouts out there. Some of them are nice, some are just plain ugly, and some are just plain strange. I’ve been going through site after site in an attempt to find a layout that was just right.
Then I realized I didn’t know what kind of layout I even wanted. So I stopped searching and starting listing the qualities that I wanted in my new layout:
  • 2 column
  • colorful – preferably green
  • scrapbook-like
  • historic-looking
Besides those four ideas, I really have nothing. Let me tell you – there aren’t genealogy related blogger templates out there (at least ones that are free and easy to find!).
I’m open to suggestions if anyone has any….
Thank you for dealing with the chaos over the next couple of days.
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